
“For a growth of the collective conscience on the major ethical problems of our time”

Our educational offer

Gariwo works with educators, teachers and students of schools and universities to disseminate the message of the Righteous.
In 2018 we signed the Memorandum of Understanding with MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) for the “Dissemination of the knowledge of the Righteous and of the memory of good”, a document at the basis of educational activities such as the “Adotta un Giusto” (Adopt a Righteous) competition announcement. The Ministry also created a working group, including representatives of MIUR, Gariwo and Schools and Universities, in charge of planning activities related to commemorations of the Day of the Righteous.
Every year we organize the Day of Remembrance and the Day of the Righteous, we offer workshops to teachers, educational paths and detailed materials.

Our professors accompany students during tours at Milan Garden of the Righteous, telling the stories of exemplary individuals commemorated there.
They also use the Virtual Garden, a space designed to honor all those who have been able to answer to the call of their conscience with deeds of civil courage.
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