
The Righteous in the Armenian Genocide

The extermination of the Armenian people was the first great genocide of the twentieth century. In this context, some Righteous put their own needs before those suffering the abuses of power and saved the lives of many men, women, and children, testifying against the massacres that the Ottoman government perpetrated during WWI.

These exemplary figures hid those persecuted, denounced the atrocities they witnessed to the world, created spaces to welcome and rescue the genocide refugees, and opposed the authorities who ordered the Armenian extermination.

In Armenia's capital, Yerevan, the Wall of Remembrance on the hill of Dzidzernagapert welcomes the ashes, or a handful of soil, taken from the burial place of the Righteous from this genocide, as a sign of gratitude for the help they offered to the Armenian people.

There are still many stories that are still little known or even unknown. Here, we report those found by Gariwo.

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