
Our contacts

Would you like to report any interesting content for our website?
Write to [email protected]

Would you like to create a Garden of the Righteous or propose the nomination of a Righteous?
Write to [email protected]

Would you like to learn about our teaching projects?
Write to [email protected]

Would you like to contact our press office?
Write to [email protected]

Do you like what we do and would you like to work with us?
Write to [email protected]

Gariwo, la foresta dei Giusti
Via Manzoni, 12
20121 Milan

Phone no. +39 02 36707648
Fax no. +39 02 36513811

From Monday to Thursday from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30, Friday from 9.30 to 13.00