
Dictatorships in Latin America

In the sixties and seventies there were frequent coups that brought military leaders and violent dictatorships to power in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and many other countries in Central and South America. The opponents of the regimes were tortured, sentenced to death without trial, made to disappear. 

Although they had different characteristics and development, the dictatorships of these countries secretly coordinated in what was called Plan Condor, aimed at fighting the left forces in Latin America. During this Operation, the dictatorships demanded the capture, extradition or killing of their dissidents in the territory of other regimes, and on certain occasions the military of the countries jointly participated in kidnappings and torture.

We collected the voices of those who opposed it, we followed the steps of international justice during the trials of those responsible for the violence and the disappearance of prisoners, we heard the Madres de Plaza de Mayo requiring truth for their loved ones. Below is a selection of these contents.