
International visit to the Garden of the Righteous of Milan

on the occasion of GariwoNetwork 2019

The visit to the Garden of the Righteous at Monte Stella hill in Milan - led by Gariwo chairman Gabriele Nissim - with the international delegations that participated in the third edition of GariwoNetwork, held on 27 November 2019 at the Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan.

The visit was held on 26 November and were present delegations from: Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia. They also took part in the visit: Gabriele Albertini, former mayor of Milan, first signatory of the written Declaration of the European Parliament establishing the European Day of the Righteous and supporter in 2003 of the creation of the Garden of Milan, the journalist Simone Zoppellaro, Pietro Kuciukian, Honorary Consul of Armenia and co-founder of Gariwo, Anna Maria Samuelli, head of the Gariwo Educational Commission and co-founder of Gariwo, Piero Prenna, president of the San Patrignano Community, Professor Giovanna Grenga, head of the Rome pilot project, Antonella Maucioni, head of the IIS Leonardo Da Vinci school, Enza Nunziato, journalist and head of the Benevento Garden, and Michelangelo Salamone, from the Palermo Garden.

26 November 2019

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