
15 years of Righteous-centered activities

Gariwo's birthday

A special anniversary: 15 years of intense Righteous-related activity. 

We have reached difficult goals, attained unhoped for results, as the European Day of the Righteous and the birth of many Gardens of the Righteus in Italy and all over the world... and we have no intention to quit.

On the contrary, with the support of those who believe in our work, we want to multiply our efforts for more and more ambitious goals, such as the passing of an Italian law about the Righteous, the Charter of Values and the meetings about the Righteous of our times.

Keep on following us and support us, to feel all together as the protagonists of a strong project of hope, to give the Righteous a voice and let their message become a means to convey the values of dialogue and understanding in today's difficult reality. 

Don’t miss the story of the Righteous and the memory of Good

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