
Armenians, victims of a genocide

Washington clashes with Turkey

The massacre of millions Armenians during World War I was a genocide. This is the content of resolution number 252 approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress with a 23 to 22 vote. The Committee's ballot is not binding but it is a step towards the Congress official resolution.

Ankara reacted very harshly and condemned the act by recalling its Ambassador "for consultation". In a note released by the Turkish Prime Minister it is readable: "We condemn this resolution which accuses Turkey of a crime it has never committed".

The US decision was greeted with satisfaction by the Armenians. Foreign Minister Edvard Nalbandian underlined that the resolution is "an important step to prevent from more crimes against humanity".

The relations between Turkey and Armenia seemed on their way towards normalization after the signature of the Zurich Protocols that have though not been ratified by the respective governments, yet.

Press review Nouvelles d'Arménie (in French)

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