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Garden of Yad Vashem

Women of Valor

A little more than half of those deemed the Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem are women. On this basis, the Jewish Holocaust Memorial has created an exhibition that highlights the actions of certain women in favor of the persecuted Jews.

Giovanni Palatucci remains Righteous

According to the "Judge of the Righteous" prof David Cassuto, who has declared the decision to Yad Vashem following the controversy of 2013, "there is nothing new, or alleged to justify a revision process of the recognition of the Righteous Among the Nations the Quaestor of the River September 12, 1990."

Inconsistent criteria for "righteousness"

To be sure, the "Righteous among the Nations" project is a blessed one as it highlights gratitude and the recognition of good, but on the other hand it is high-time for Yad Vashem to apply a more consistent selection policy". So write Eduard Eurnekian and Baruj Tenembaum of International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation in reply to a Haaretz article. 

Joseph and Louise Materne honoured as Righteous

Yad Vashem awarded the Belgian family who rescued Zalman Shiffer, the son to a Jewish woman they did not know before.

Farewell to Moshe Landau - the founder of the Righteous Department

Judge Moshe Landau, who in 1961 presided the Eichmann trial and later Yad Vashem's Righteous Department, passed away at age 99. At the moment of the sentence, the crowd expected a defense of the Israelis' right to try the Nazi criminal, while Landau simply nailed him to his atrocious charges. 

Biggest Shoah portal ever created - a Yad Vashem - Google cooperation

The national institute for Holocaust remembrance of Israel and Google will publish online the material hosted by the Jerusalem Museum. It is already possible to access more than 130.000 Yad Vashem photographs directly from the Google search page.

In Yad Vashem

the first "Garden of the Righteous"

The Garden of the Righteous in Jerusalem was set up in 1962 at Yad Vashem's Mausoleum, the Holocaust remembrance place, in compliance with point 9 of its establishing law, approved by the Israeli Parliament in 1953, providing the following:

"Hereby the law establishes the Yad Vashem Foundation in Jerusalem, in order to commemorate (…) the Righteous among the nations, who have risked their lives to help the Jews."

To commemorate the Righteous among the nations they choose to plant carob trees. Hence the creation of the Avenue of the Righteous, that would later become a garden with the same name.
In 1963 the Israeli authorities set up the Righteous Commission to choose the people to bestow the honours on and dedicate the trees to. In its activities the Commission honoured nearly 20,000 Righteous.

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