
Unveiling of Greek Righteous Among the Nations Monument

at the Athens Synagogue

With the unveiling of the Greek Righteous Among the Nations monument, at the courtyard of the Beth Shalom Synagogue of Athens, that took place on Wednesday the 27th of January, 2016, as part of the commemorations for Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Greek Jewry paid due tribute to the heroes of the German Occupation, their Christian compatriots, who selflessly saved many Jews by risking their life and the lives of their families.

* The President of the Athens Jewish Community, Mr. Minos Moissis: "On this day, Greece and Athens meet not with the life stories of the Eminent but of everyday and ordinary people, whom history more often than not casts aside... Here, at this spot, the Athens Jewish Community houses the Monument of the Greek Righteous, as a small token of gratitude offered collectively by the Greek Jewry. A heritage bequeathed on the city of Athens, to always honour them and remember them by. For being truly HUMAN."

* The President of KIS, Mr. Moses Constantinis: "... Those who managed to escape deportation during the persecution, experienced the full scope of human nature: indifference - treachery - enmity - self-interest and profiteering, but also its opposites self-sacrifice, heroism, solidarity, support... The first were the rule, the second the exception...Our saviours were our only hope, the light amidst the darkness”.

9 February 2016

Don’t miss the story of the Righteous and the memory of Good

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