
"Il Memorioso" show in Milan

for Holocaust Remembrance Day we recall the Righteous

The poster of the show

The poster of the show

Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide Committee
presents for Holocaust Remembrance Day 2011

Short guide to the memory of the Good

Theatrical show inspired from Gabriele Nissim's books Il Tribunale del Bene and La Bontà Insensata. Wright by Paola Bigatto, with Massimiliano Speziani.

Wednesday January. 26 2011 at 9.30 a.m
Milan - Auditorium San Fedele
via Hoepli, 3/b (MM DUOMO)

"Tales of the Righteous people who performed Good Deeds, [...] who, in the direst straights had the courage to undertake rescue and relief operations in favour of the persecuted. Tales which might be lost, dispersed, because they are as little as precious! Only a detective, a collector, a dowser, a gold seeker, a pearl fisher, can retrieve them from memory. This is what I humbly try to do with you today, for it is necessary to remember! Not only the names of the protagonists of these tales, many thousands of names not yet known to the vast majority of you, but also all the smallest details, the intimate motivations concealed behind the achievements of each of these Righteous ".

The show will be followed by a debate with the actor and Gabriele Nissim, author of the books Il Tribunale del Ben (The Tribunal of Good) and La Bontà insensata (Senseless Goodness), Liliana Picciotto, historian in charge of research for Fondazione CDEC, and Pietro Kuciukian, Consul of Armenia in Italy.

Free admission upon booking subject to seat availability: phone n. +39 0236707648 [email protected]

With the Endorsement of CDEC (Centro Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea), Associazione Senza Confini, UGEI (Unione Giovani Ebrei d'Italia) and the Patronage of Regione Lombardia.

We thank Scuola d'Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi of Milan for the hospitality.

12 January 2011

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