
Chechnya, barehead women harassed

report by Human Rights Watch

The Chechnyan women who wear clothes considered as immodest run the risk of facing violent attacks from Islamic fundamentalists. So warns Human Rights Watch, according to which an "Islamic dress code" in force in the Country would submit those who don't wear a headscarf, skirts and long sleeves can be targeted by "violent attacks, harassment and threats".

This violence is enshrined within a "virtue campaign" which is unofficial and illegal and is carried out by Chechn officials: women are forbidden to work in the public sector if bareheaded, covering their head is compulsory in schools, cinemas and many public places.

These measures are supported by Chechnyan leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who said women are inferior to men and approved of the deeds of the Islamic fundamentalists who, wearing police uniforms, attack the women who don't comply with this dress code by the means of paintguns. Kadyrov is eager to award these men because assaulted women "deserve this punishment".

Human Rights Watch demands the Russian government to overtly condemn this violence.

Human Rights Watch report

11 March 2011

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