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On 6 March 2014 the Garden of the Righteous of Rimini was inaugurated in order to commemorate Ezio Giorgetti and Osman Carugno, who were honoured as Righteous among the Nations in Yad Vashem. The Garden also aims at remembering those who saved from deportation 41 foreign Jewish in the areas of Rimini and Montefeltro from 1943 to 1944. 

The Assessor Irina Imola, Emilio Druidi, author of "Un cammino lungo un anno. Gli ebrei salvati dal primo italiano “Giusto tra le nazioni”, the civil, religious and military authorities, the teachers and the students took part in the ceremony.

6 March 2014

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European Day of the Righteous all over Italy

Report about all 2016 events

​6 March in Italy

birth of new Gardens of the Righteous