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Garden of Pozzallo

Sicily loves the Righteous

After the Gardens in Agrigento, Catania, Linguaglossa, Marineo, Milazzo and Palermo, in Sicily the Righteous keep being in the spotlight, thanks to a spread Garden in  Catania and a meeting in Pozzallo in front of the tree for father Puglisi.

European Day of the Righteous all over Italy

This year, too, European Day of the Righteous witnessed the participation of dozens Italian towns, which have sought to remember the deeds of those who have opposed genocide and persecutions.

6 March in Italy

The celebrations of European Day of the Righteous saw the participation of numerous Italian towns, which, through meetings, conferences, shows, documentaries, books and planting of new Gardens, have paid tribute to all those who have fought and still fight against genocide and to defend human dignity.

Garden of Pozzallo


On 21 March 2016, Day of Memory and Commitment for the Mafia Victims, the Garden of the Righteous of Pozzallo was inaugurated. A tree was planted inside the City Hall in honour of Father Pino Puglisi, priest from Brancaccio killed by the mafia gangs on 15 September 1993.

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