

On 5th September 2012, the Garden of the Righteous of Bisceglie has been inaugurated in the heart of the city. At the ceremony, a tree and a memorial stone were dedicated to Khaled Abdul Wahab, an arab from Tunisia who rescued dozens of Jewish from deportation. 

The Garden of the Righteous, located in the oasis of Orto Schinosa, was created in collaboration with Gariwo on the initiative of the Drama Book Club Euterpe 2010, headed by Zaccaria Gallo, and the Labouring Society Mutuo Soccorso "Roma intangibile", coordinated by Nicolantonio Logoluso. 

Zaccaria Gallo, Nicolantonio Logoluso, the mayor of Bisceglie Francesco Spina and Gabriele Nissim, chairman of Gariwo the Forest of the Righteous, attended the ceremony. 

Garden of Bisceglie

People honoured in this Garden

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Khaled Abdul Wahab
a Tunisian Arab who saved Jewish lives during the Holocaust
Etty Hillesum
was the author of confessional letters and diaries which describe both her religious awakening and the persecutions of Jewish people in Amsterdam during the German occupation
Charlotte Salomon [the figure disagrees with the criteria proposed by Gariwo for the choice of the Righteous]
German painter of jewish origins, Holocaust victim

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