

On 22nd April 2016 the Garden of the Righteous in Binasco has been inaugurated, honoring the doctor Andrea Loriga with an oak and a memorial stone. Committed anti-fascist and opponent of the regime, Loriga rescued the family of the Jewish lawyer Augusto Weiller in 1944, helping all of them to escape to Switzerland. Being a strong opponent of the regime, Loriga was tortured and murdered by fascists in 1945.

The Mayor of Binasco Riccardo Benvegnù, the Chairman of the Cultural Centre "La Tenda" Vito Sperti, the Coordinator of the Gardens of the Righteous Committee Ulianova Radice, two citizens who met Doctor Loriga, the Mayor of Noviglio, the institutions, citizens and students of Binasco took part in the ceremony. 

A tree in Binasco in honour of Andrea Loriga

People honoured in this Garden

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Andrea Loriga
The doctor who rescued the family of the Jewish lawyer Augusto Weiller.
Paolo Borsellino
italian judge, he is considered as one of the main symbols of the battle against the Mafia, together with his colleague and friend Giovanni Falcone
Giorgio Ambrosoli [biography on external website]
lawyer killed by the Mafia
Federica Angeli
Italian journalist, she has lived under escort since 2013 for his investigations on the Roman mafia
Gino Bartali
the champion who saved Jews
Giovanni Falcone
symbol of the fight against the Mafia
Felicia Bartolotta Impastato
Peppino Impastato’s mother
Silvio Novembre [the figure disagrees with the criteria proposed by Gariwo for the choice of the Righteous]
Marshal of the Guardia di Finanza known for investigating the crack of the Italian Private Bank of Michele Sindona alongside Giorgio Ambrosoli
Gino Strada [biography on external website]
Founder of Emergency
Carlo Urbani
he was a Nobel Peace Prize winner and the first physician to diagnose SARS
Father Pino Puglisi
the priest killed by the Mafia in 1993

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