Bergamo - Mascheroni High School

Bergamo - Mascheroni High School

In 2016, the Scientific High School Lorenzo Mascheroni inaugurated in its schoolyard a Garden of the Righteous, with the hope to provide food for thought for students and a major involvement of teachers and classes in the next future. During the celebration, some stones have been posed in memory of Rocco Chinnici, Sophie Scholl, M. L. King and Arturo Paoli

A year ago, during the international hospitality week organized within the Exchange Project, students from Poland, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, and Greece have taken part to a Laboratory on the Righteous of the world. Within this project, students have learned the virtuous stories of the Righteous and commemorated them by posing new stones in the Garden together with colored cards with their thoughts written on. 

This year, in order to give visibility to the Garden, students have realized a Qr-code through which visitors are directly linked to the Gariwo's website and to the Righteous's biographies (published both in English and Italian). 

People honoured in this Garden

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Rocco Chinnici
brave promoter of the first anti-Mafia team of the Palermo courthouse, was killed by the cosche (Mafia group)s
Sophie Scholl
the white rose that stood up to Nazism
Arturo Paoli
Righteous among the Nations' for helping save Jews during World War II
Martin Luther King [biography on external website]
Fernanda Wittgens
inspector of Brera who protected both precious art and the persecuted
Father Ugo De Censi
founder and charismatic spiritual guide of Operation Mato Grosso
Irena Sendler
the Polish nurse who saved 2500 Jewish children
Giuseppe Sala
organized the rescue of the Jews with the Opera San Vincenzo
Gino Strada [biography on external website]
Founder of Emergency
Antonia Locatelli
she was murdered for having denounced the Rwandan Genocide
Fernanda Wittgens
inspector of Brera who protected both precious art and the persecuted
Father Ugo De Censi
founder and charismatic spiritual guide of Operation Mato Grosso
Gabriele Moreno Locatelli
the pacifist from Canzo killed in Sarajevo in 1993 during the Bosnian war
Nicholas Winton
the Englishman who successfully evacuated 669 children from Prague
Jan Karski
he tried in vain to warn the Great Powers about the genocide against the Jews
Aristides de Sousa Mendes
the Portuguese consul who helped the Jews to leave France

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