
Report an event

Every year many cities, schools, associations and people celebrate with us the Day of the Righteous: new figures are honoured, new Gardens are inaugurated, conferences and meetings are organized.

Tell us about the event you are organizing using the following form, we will report it on the Day of the Righteous page! We ask you to leave us your email address to be able to contact you in case we need more information.

Fill in to report

Your name and surname:

Email address to which we can contact you:

Initiative name:

Date and time:



Honored Righteous:

Brief description of the event:

Informative report compliant with art. 13 of the European Regulation on Privacy, GDPR 2016 EU 2016/679, and art. 13 of D.Lgs. 196/2003.Your data is collected to report the events of the Day of the Righteous on behalf of Fondazione Foresta dei Giusti Ga.ri.wo. ONLUS. At any time you can demand the verification, variation or deletion of such data and any other right as to articles 15-21 of the European privacy regulation GDPR 2016 EU 2016/679 and art. 7 of D.Lgs. 196/2003, writing to our Person in charge of the Data, to our seat, via Manzoni, 12 - 20121 Milan - Italy, or to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. For the full disclosure policy click here

Thank you for reporting this event!