
Message from Ghayath Mattar's mother

delivered to Rana Zaitouneh

We publish the message sent by Ghayath Mattar's mother for the dedication of a tree and unveiling of a stone in memory of her son at the Garden of the Righteous on Monte Stella Hill in Milan. 

Every mother in this whole wide world has a single heart, tear and tremble.. Worrying about her kids but also having hope and faith in them. A mother has the same smile watching her kids coming in. Same pride if they sacrificed their lives or got detained for a noble cause they believe in. Same grief seeing their clothes after their detention or death. All is the same in a mother's heart and the overwhelming pain is not different; not even slightly different.

I am completely aware that during times of struggle, the pain of the mothers is the worst but their pride is the most. However, till when we will continue to realize this painful fact alone?! I will be genuine as the water that the prisoners and besieged people being deprived of. I will be direct just like the bullet that kills our sons everyday. There is no victory (no matter how big it is) that will compensate for the sacrifice of a single mother. But this victory will fulfill the hopes and ambitions of our sons and this is why we are continuing on their path to freedom. Stand with the mothers of martyrs and prisoners to accomplish their will.

Mercy and glory upon all the martyrs and freedom to all the prisoners.

9 March 2015

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