
100 Days

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100 Days

"A local Hutu official is persuaded to implement the government's policy against the Tutsi : To completly wipe them out. Josette, a beautiful young Tutsi girl struggles to survive the killing by taking refuge in a church, supposedly protected by the UNO forces. Meanwhile, Josette's brother is hunted down and murdered and her boyfriend rescued by rhe rebels. But the Hutu Catholic priest betrays Josette's family and only agrees to spare her life is the submits to the nightly violations. By the time she is reunited with her boyfriend, neither of them can face the brutal reality of their situation : she is pregnant and bears the priest's child, which she immediatly abandons. 100 Days was shot in Kibuye, the beautiful landscape had been the back drop to some of the worst atrocities in 1994. In Kibuye Church, the site of an actual massacre, Rwanda actors played killers and victims that were only too familiar to them."
taken from

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